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Italy: reject the migrants. To reject our past.

Italy: reject the migrants. To reject our past.
Autore: Emilia Urso Anfuso
Data: 21/05/2009

Italy today, is talking about migrants and clandestine. Sin that migrants of the past we were ourselves. But the time cancel soon the memories, and now the migrant is associated image of barges of hope that as soon as the 1970s, have made Italy a country with high condensation multi ethnic. millions and millions of people in the last thirty years, have set foot on the national territory. Some at and becoming a good law, Italian citizen. Other transient, finding definitive placement in other nations. How to say: Italy Middle Earth between the escape and the achievement of a definitive basis. Italian former migrants, therefore. Aware in the first person of what want to say, have a bit of rags inside a suitcase of cardboard and from including the search for dignity and hopes to come through work often humble but which have enabled to the millions of Italians to raise the head from a condition of poverty and distress that it could not find any conversion remaining in the country of origin. It is calculated, that the centenary that runs from 1876 to 1976, Italian migrants have achieved the considerable figure Of 24 million people. A true exodus. Haemorrhage unstoppable. Some in the years, have returned. But the percentage of who has decided to come to die in their own land, is really unfair. Italy of the economic boom, slows down this trend. The economy in growth, new employment opportunities, where industry towards the development, contributed not to escape human resources that otherwise would have continued to out for the world, removing the country a large part of national identity. And precisely in the years of most radiance of the national economy, here is appear the first immigrants that fleeing in turn by poor nations, in war or too rich in natural events catastrophic, agree to set sail the anchors and face painful journey of hope  that of sweet has always and only, the possibility of breathing a different air from the usual place. Initially, the Italians have willingly accepted the arrival of these brothers of migration. Perhaps because its migration was still fresh in the memories of the people. And there was also to consider that, in the first 1970s, many so-called immigrants were composed of Italian become foreign citizens. that came within homeland. Therefore, was acceptable and placed immediately to silence any type of any doubt about an event of all new for the country. Italy also in the 1970s, created the famous "open door policy", that added to the restrictions imposed by other nations with the advent of the episodes of immigration, that people who try to leave it did in any case to a country that did not have said the arrival. Open doors to new ethnic groups, cultures, religions. Other human capacity for mental structure and cultural. In some way, a chest which draw with a view to develop new trends and dynamics within a society, not really in cultural exchange market. None, if not before 1981, had the idea to calculate the amount of extra-Community allowed in Italy. The data of the first census created ad hoc into, recalled the figure of more than three hundred thousand people, between those defined "stable" and "temporary". In the face appraisals of a significant number, in Italy it began to think whether to put under non-Europeans present in our country, with the aim of regulating but also to give equal opportunities to the one that could already be defined as an ethnic minority but stable. 1980s to today, history is memory of all. Between laws and proposals, methods sometimes unclear work for the management of migratory flows, actions demagogic – according to the period in political act - and real desire to give a hand to those who knock at our door, that the right to exist with dignity, we moved in the space restricted to a couple of governments in office, the design of how stem the inflow continuous as possible and often desperate life rafts of hope, that also in the years, have guaranteed to many companies, especially in the construction industry and agriculture, labourer at low cost. A resource valuable for all those who know how to exploit any event that has to do with the despair. It is often doubted that these barges are in fact, the request from unscrupulous entrepreneurs,
To arrive on our shores workforce fresh and available to work more humble, never taken into account by many fellow countrymen, who preferred often remain with their hands, Rather than stand curved under the sun for 10 or 12 Hours to pick tomatoes or potatoes. Or to risk their life, perhaps jumping down from a bridge while, hammer in hand, fought the rabies cannot even take advantage of an apparatus of security at a standard. The flows of entry are continued. Under the eyes of all. Crossed by this or that new legislation, which has outraged many souls and reduced almost in a state of imprisonment, many immigrants forced to stay the reception centres, to half road between prison, at last level and bridge of transition between a bad reality and another. But at least, to protect from the threat of dying of hunger and thirst, or disease eradicated for decades in our country, but lives in their terrible virulence in places where normality is the terror of life. And also, feel distant from wars without end, those still carried out by force of arms too violent, tireless in order to think of a nothing of the future. The days passed in a space narrow, among many other desperate in search of a bit of life, seem to all best in the continuous flee from something. Meanwhile, Italy sells its own image as an ethnic unfortunate to the whole world. It makes it a banner. A flag to use to declare a capacity, not only of deep generosity but also, and perhaps above all, of absorption capacity of a phenomenon that others would not have been able to raise. The weight of each action that a country decides to take, has many facets, and according to classrooms side, we take into account, here is changing parameters and motivation. The balance, it appeared they had found a point of real balance. Outside the Community in arrival. Legislation in order to adjust the stay. What happened in the short space of a legislation, is still unclear to the most. Suddenly, the same outside the Community received and permanent client on Italian territory, become the enemy. Not that first for many it was already. But to shots of brush been caused by communications ever more pressing, here that migrant appears as humans black. And not for the colour of the skin. Years and years of social development agreement to the maximum acceptance and integration of other ethnic groups, swept away by a cry of terror unique, shouted for the purpose to wake up the fibres intolerance, thus far, almost unknown in molecules brain Italian medium. Rape today, a robbery tomorrow, assaults here and a theft there, here is it the shot of state, but equally distributed. One to the Italians, put under pressure from a terrorist campaign without equal, that has in a short time, swept away all your best intention to continue to be friends of foreigners. The other  against the alien in the round. Now only and exclusively criminal, for the only fact to exist. The blend terror citizen and delinquent usual extra-community, in short time, has had its effects. Italy becomes a country racist. Deeply racist. Identify totally in rape and abuse. In aggression. In drivers. The four of rabies for having given support to what now appears as a group of criminals customary. People of another world. With the culture of crime in the veins. All appears with completely different connotations. Now the global diktat is: kick out the alien. At any cost and with any means. And that will move quickly, that the safety of Italian admits not delays, compromises, means of means. Outside. All and immediately. Without any hope of reply. The government legislates in a hurry. Absolute poses limitations to any attempt to docking of more barges of hope. kills on victims, without special differentiation, between women, elderly, children, victims of political persecution. The final shot, the places the balance of a debt ancient that Italy has against Libya. a moral duty. That speaks of dead, so many. of colonization. Of torment. A debt that it is decided to pay off now, even in consideration of the fact that by coincidence, from Libya from always are "driven" the flows of illegal immigrants in search of new homeland. A treaty which keeps the inside, even the end of the creation, by Libya to weapons of mass destruction. Human lives postponed to the sender. Deaths that walk on territories made prison without no hope of salvation. A big part of Italian citizenship, welcomes the legislation of referral of illegal immigrants. It has little time to reflect on methods already put in place, that contradict even the standard. The first Ocean View of returned in Libya, contained women in pregnant women who, if it had implementation of that law as it stands, had a right of landing in Italy. But the image of a system that it now covers all on security, may pass even on the Rules decided on. And even on international conventions, as the Geneva Convention of 1951 on the Status of Refugees, through which appears obvious that the legislation just promulgated is in sharp disagreement with a series of indications accepted at international level and ratified by our country. The UN is already requiring great heading the withdrawal of the rules against illegal immigration and the subsequent return of barges of non-Community in Libya. The political world responds with a refusal, forgetful of the ratification made so many years ago, losing sense and a thickness of the absolute desire to proceed, as Caterpillar towards the promise of a security perhaps more people that guaranteed. In the meantime, between Italian citizens more "safe" and outside the Community Treaties as meat slaughter, the true security made of many small things daily, does not belong it hope of resolution. Attention, moved to art to other fronts, falls on the events more. Loses touch with reality. also forget its history of former migrants. Treaties kicked in seating and "Yes, sir"... But the time, you know, clear all and all care. Well as the intellectual dishonesty.


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